Main Characteristics
The TV4000LT and TV7000LT are unique visibility baths with wide dimensions. Working temperature ranges from -40°C up to +100°C. The integrated cooling system is able to lower the temperature of the bath content down to -40°C within approximately two hours. The cooling power can be controlled over several stages, so that the heat removal capacity is trimmed to the desired set point temperature, saving up to 50% of energy. Due to its wide temperature range, the bath can be used for multiple purposes varying from low temperature viscosity measurement to calibration of sensors and thermometers. The large windows show the bath contents clearly. The windows are heated preventing built up of condensate. The maximum temperature lies around +100°C. Overall accuracy is better than +/- 0.02°C over the whole temperature range. Ambient temperature drifts <0.003°C/°C. The homogeneity is better than 0.02°C. Drift, accuracy and homogeneousness were measured with methanol as bath medium and are true min-max values found over eight hours. The TV7000LT can be used to calibrate long thermometers or to calibrate master viscometers conform to ASTM D2162.
Technical Information
TV4000LT TV7000LT
Range -40..100°C/-40..212°F
Reading Standard °C, °F on request
Used materials inside bath Stainless steel 304
Setting ± 0.01°C
Offset 0.01°C
Stability ± 0.02°C
Heating 2000 W
Heaters 2
Bath volume 40 L 70 L
Number of lids 4 + 3 (4 + 4 optional)
Window 270 * 285 mm 270 * 585 mm
Opening lid Ø 51 mm
Opening bath 260 x 240 mm
Depth bath 300 mm 600 mm