The system is used for generating a volume flow traceable to the SI units length and time. The pistons are moved via a spindle with a stepper motor. In the initial state one of the pistons is fully turned into and the other one is fully extended. Using the piston cross-section and the travel speed the flow can be adjusted with high precision. At the end of the calibration process both pistons are in the opposite position to the initial position. The calibration device is preferably operated with air, on request with other gases. The measurement time is greater than 20 seconds.
Technical data
Operating range 0.12..120 l/h
Measurement uncertainty
(0,5 l/h..50l/h)
Version A: ≤ 0.06% (k=2)
Version B: ≤ 0.15% (k=2)
Measurement time t > 20 s
Operating pressure up to 16 bar abs.
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