Functioning principle
The BS sonic nozzle is an one way device, with divergent orifice protected by a stainless filter.
A gas stream through a nozzle is called “sonic”, when the fluid flow speed reaches its own sonic speed at the minimal cross section.
This speed is reached when the ratio between the input absolute pressure P1 to the output absolute pressure P2 correspond to the expression :P1/P2≥2
The mass flow Qm for a nozzle working at a sonic range is given by :
Where Kgaz is a physic constant for a specified nozzle and used gas, T is the absolute temperature at the minimal cross section.
The mass flows ratio of different gases flowing through the same nozzle, with the same pressure and temperature, is defined by the ratio of the Kgaz constants.
The mass flow for sonic nozzle is not influenced by the outlet pressure P2 . This characteristics provide various and numerous applications in the field of stream control and gas mixing. The calibration is performed with Nitrogen at a fixed pressure (various gases, different from N2, can be requested for the calibration).