The GM2106A is
based on high precision pressure regulation technology, sonic nozzles, high precision back pressure technology. Flow accuracy is better than 0.3%, dilution
ratio error is better than 0.5%.
The sonic nozzle used
in GM2106A is made of ruby. The corrosion resistance of ruby is strong, and the
linear thermal expansion coefficient is 5.3x10-6/K at 20°C, which is an order of magnitude
smaller than the thermal expansion coefficient of nickel and stainless steel,
making the GM2106A have better on-site calibration capability.
With the GM2106A High-precision
Gas Mixer, only one bottle of standard gas is needed to accurately and
repeatably generate different concentrations of standard gas.
Product advantage
- High accuracy:
The flow is controlled by a recognized flow standard sonic nozzle
- High stability: no
moving parts in the sonic nozzle, good flow repeatability and reproducibility
- Anti-corrosion: can dilute corrosive gases
- Multi-function:
Calibration of major, trace and trace gas analysis monitor
- Flexibility:
continuous dilution, concentration points
- Little affected
by ambient temperature: Materials with minimal thermal expansion coefficient
are used
- Not affected by
downstream pressure: downstream pressure changes do not affect flow
Product value
- Strong
foundation: the basic ability of verification and calibration of tamping gas
- Upper level:
high-precision gas distribution device for the development of emerging fields
to highlight the measurement role
- Multi-return: a
device that enriches the calibration capabilities of most gas detectors
- Long life: Sonic
nozzle repeatability and stability is good, can be used for a long time
- High precision:
High precision device is the "treasure of the town store" for gas
detector measurement