No-dispense Density Metering Standards Case

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No-dispense Density Metering Standards Case

Density is one of the important physical parameters of liquid chemical products. Determination of density can distinguish liquid substances with similar chemical composition but different densities, identify the purity of liquid products and the concentration of some solutions. Therefore, density is one of the quality control indicators of many liquid products in chemical product inspection.


 Liquid density meter is an important tool for measuring liquid density, which can accurately measure liquid density. It has the advantages of high measurement accuracy, wide range, simple structure, easy operation and so on. It is widely used and plays an important role and value in many fields.

Liquid densitometer has such an important role and value. So how to ensure that the density meter value is really accurate and reliable? The only way is to calibrate according to the national metrological technical specification to ensure that the measurement value is accurate and traceable.

The DM-01 density measuring standard device is an automatic calibration instrument with wide measuring range, no need for liquid, and high safety factor that can be traced to the quality and length standards. A high precision thermostatic chamber with temperature stability better than ±0.01oK is placed on a height adjustable base, and a transparent cylinder containing tridecane is placed in a high precision thermostatic chamber. During the verification process, the densitometer (glass float meter) is suspended on the balance through a fine wire, and the densitometer scale is partially immersed in tridecane. Adjust the height of the base, change the scale line immersed in tridecane, and with the balance weighing value, tridecane density value, external weight (or stainless steel ring) and other parameters, accurately calculate the corresponding density value of the scale line. In theory, by tracing the balance, tridecane density, external weight (or stainless steel ring) quality, the device can be traced. In practice, the device is equipped with a quartz ring as a standard, and the quartz ring is sent to the Chinese Academy of Metrology regularly to complete the traceability. The instrument uses the image sensor to quickly and accurately mark the line of the ruler, uses the PLC to control the lifting of the base, collects the weighing data of the balance, calculates the density value, and can automatically generate the verification report.


It is a standard device for the traceable verification of density meters by metrological technical institutions. It completely solves the problem that the traditional density measurement method uses toxic and harmful substances to mix liquid, uses naked eye observation and consumes time.

The device has been successfully applied to calibration institutions such as Guangxi and Jinan.

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